One of the biggest challenges for cardiopulmonary rehabilitation (CR) programs is managing patient referrals efficiently. Despite the importance of tracking referrals, many programs still rely on more manual processes such as spreadsheets and paper charts to manage their referrals. In some cases, programs may not track referrals at all, which can result in missed opportunities for patient enrollment. The need for improved tracking of patient referrals is evident with the addition of the new HEDIS Cardiac Rehabilitation measure and the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation’s (AACVPR) new program level performance measures for enrollment in CR. These measures encourage quality improvement, care coordination activities, and increased transparency in enrollment metrics related to CR.
This is where Chanl Health's new Referral Tracker comes in. In this blog post, we'll discuss how Chanl Health's Referral Tracker can help CR programs track and manage patient referrals, and gain deeper insights into their patient enrollment information through real-time reports.
The Importance of Efficient Referral Management
Referral management is a critical process for any healthcare organization. In the case of CR, effective referral management can help streamline the patient enrollment process, reduce the time from referral to enrollment, and ultimately, improve patient outcomes. However, managing referrals can be a time-consuming and complicated task. It involves tracking patient referrals, verifying patient eligibility, and ensuring timely communication between providers and patients.
How Chanl Health's Referral Tracker Helps
Chanl Health's Referral Tracker is a web-based platform that helps CR programs manage and track their patient referrals efficiently. The tracker provides a comprehensive view of patient referrals, allowing care navigators, or anyone involved with managing referrals (ie, CR staff, program managers, inpatient team members, etc.) to track the referral status of each patient, verify their eligibility, and streamline communication between providers and patients.

Real-time Reports
One of the significant benefits of the Referral Tracker is its real-time reporting capability. Care navigators can view real-time reports on referral volumes, open referrals, enrollment or capture rates, and how long on average it takes for those referrals to become enrolled. Additionally, reports can help to understand where referrals are coming from or where they are going to. This information can help programs identify areas for improvement and develop targeted outreach strategies to increase patient enrollment.

Having a system in place to track patients referred to CR and whether these patients who are eligible for services receive the recommended care is crucial since this is what the HEDIS and performance measures evaluate.
Centralized Management
The Referral Tracker also provides a centralized location for managing patient referrals. The platform allows multiple care navigators to track and log patient progress from referral to enrollment, and provides visibility into common barriers to CR participation or other areas for improvement in the process. Additionally, it provides a comprehensive view of patient enrollment data, allowing program managers to monitor patient outcomes and make data-driven decisions.

Chanl Health's Referral Tracker is a powerful tool for CR programs looking to improve their patient enrollment process and provides a system to remain compliant with the HEDIS and performance measures. The platform provides real-time reporting, and centralized management capabilities, enabling care navigators to track patient referrals, verify eligibility, and improve care navigation efficiencies between members of a team. With the Referral Tracker, CR programs can gain deeper insights into their patient enrollment information and make data-driven decisions to improve patient outcomes.
Contact us for a quote!
Email us at info@chanlhealth.com for more information, if you have more questions, or would like a quote.
Let's empower your program with the Referral Tracker!
Why Chanl Health
At Chanl, we partner with health systems, clinics, and rehab programs to deliver a world-class virtual-hybrid cardiopulmonary rehab program. Our proven virtual-hybrid care solution removes patient barriers to access and provides innovative ways to meaningfully engage in their health. Healthcare providers that use our virtual-hybrid solution can deliver increased quality care to more patients at a lower cost.